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Team Member Permissions

Control Team Member Roles and Access

Trentenn avatar
Written by Trentenn
Updated over a week ago

BetterHQ allows permissions to be set for each team member based on the access requirements within the business.

When adding or editing a Team Member you can set or change their Permissions.

In BetterHQ, you will have the ability to choose your team members to access as an owner by giving permission.

How to manage Team Member Permissions:

  1. Go here Or go to Settings > Team > Team member

  2. This will take you to your Team Member List. Select a Team Member.

  3. This will take you to your Team Member's details. Select the access you would like the Team Member to have by selecting from the dropdown menu associated with 'Team Member Permissions'.

  4. The overview of team member permissions will be listed on the right hand side of the page in the Team Member details screen.. See below:


Have a business partner, and both of you need to see everything including, Business information and reporting? Then this is the one for you, Administrator gives the user the same views as the user who initially signed up.

Appointment Support

Maybe you have multiple locations but have a centralised call centre for booking appointments. Appointment Support allows this user to see all location and staff calendars for the whole business. They won't have access to all your sensitive business and financial data, so you can keep that to yourself.

Business Manager

You may have multiple locations, but these may have been set up as separate businesses. The Business Manager allows the user to see everything relating to a single business.

Location Manager

You have a number of Locations, with separate managers running each location. They need to be able to see the health of their location to ensure that it is running successfully. The Location Manager role is the one for them.

Location Support

Location Support, well this is really a receptionist, this roll allows them to book appointments and record sales, but can't see any other financial information.


This would be your people in the shop floor, your Massage Therapist, Chiropractors, Personal Trainers, Physiotherapist. They will have access to their own calendar so they can make appointments if necessary.

Staff - Minimal

This allows your team member to view only their appointments & all clients, without any financial information.

No Online Access

When you add team members to your Better Clinics account they get an email with details on how they can access their view of your Better Clinics account. If you don't want them to have any online access, select the 'No Online Access' level and they won't be sent an email or have a login.

Calendar Only

This allows your team member to view only their calendar & appointments.

POS Register

This allows your team member to view only the retail pos.

This allows your team member to view only the retail pos.


Tags: Team Member, Availability, Permission, Access, Control

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