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Add Expenses

Manage Expenses; understand money going out

Trentenn avatar
Written by Trentenn
Updated over a week ago

BetterHQ allows you to keep track of and manage your business expenses. 

Jump to Expenses here

You can add, edit and delete any expenses you or your business have incurred on a cash basis. This may be fixed expenses such as rent, phone bills, merchandise stock, & business consumables. Any expenses entered into BetterHQ automatically flow through the BetterHQ P&L report (save time for double entry).

Add an expense

  1. Go here

  2. Or go to Sales > Expenses > Add Expense 

  3. Complete the expense details 

  4. Supplier: normally the business name e.g. Telstra

  5. Date: the date that the expense was paid

  6. Description: What the expense was for e.g. Telephone

  7. Chart of Account (by default, we have listed categories used by most popular accounting packages, however, you may Add New Chart of Account to customize your own)

  8. Unit Price 

  9. Quantity

  10. Tax type: Inclusive, Exclusive, or NO Tax

  11. Tax rate % 

  12. Save.

Edit an expense

  1. To edit an expense, go to Sales > Expenses.

  2. Click on the expense that needs editing

  3. Make edits

  4. Save.

Delete an expense

  1. To delete an expense, go to Sales > Expenses

  2. On the right side, select the checkbox on same line as the expense

  3. Select 'Delete selected

  4. Confirm Delete

  5. The expense has been deleted

Search an expense

If you have many expenses, you can search for a particular expense. 

  1. Go to Expenses here 

  2. On the top right, there is a search tool and you can search an expense by description.

  3. Type Expense Description

  4. Search results will display the Expenses that match 

Export Expenses

You may export your expenses as a CSV file to upload to the relevant accounting software program. 

  1. Go to Expenses here 

  2. Click Export Expenses and the CSV file will automatically download (which can be found in your Downloads folder)

Please note, all expenses entered in BetterHQ will flow through to your P&L Report

If you have connected to an accounting software provider using our accounting integrations expenses are not sent across. Expense management can be complicated within accounting software and we highly recommend you add expenses into your accounting software directly.

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