BetterHQ allows you to add and secure notes against team members, clients or appointments and more.
Types of Notes you can Add to BetterHQ:
Attachments - securely upload and store attachments & photos.
Annotations - annotate images that have been added to your image library.
Calendar notes - add notes related to a particular appointment for team sharing.
Handover notes - add handover notes so the clinical team are over all the details.
Invoice notes - add notes to invoices, easily access these under respective client.
Client Notes
Adding notes in detail against a client is fast and easy. In BetterHQ there are New Note's and Read Note's.
New Note - Add a new typed note, note template, attachment or annotation.
Read Note - Read any existing notes on the client file.
How to Add a Clinical Note:
Select the client for the note. When in the client file, click NOTES tab.
Click 'New Note' (this is the default view).
Select Team Member writing the note. By default this will show the logged in user. However as some clinics share logins (e.g. Reception) if a team member is on a shared device they can select their name for the note. This allows for flexible clinic arrangements.
Date of Note: (default is today, this can be edited if the note was for an appointment on a different day, or can also be edited later). If the team member edits a draft note or final note the date will display as originally saved against the note.
Project: Create a new project or select from an existing client project. Projects are are a series of similar appointment notes for a client. Therefore when a note is added, the note can be assigned to a Project. Assigning a note to a Project is optional. To add a new project click '+Add new'. Add project name, date, description and tags/categories. Save
Better Clinics has notes Autosave. When typing Better Clinics will autosave a new note - both text notes or note templates. These are saved as DRAFT until they are saved as FINAL.
DRAFT vs FINAL NOTES - Draft notes can be saved and then can be edited easily before they are finalised and marked as final. Final notes have been marked as FINAL and are locked. To unlock Final notes, if Note Authentication is on in Settings, the password of the Team Member who wrote them will be needed to unlock them before editing. This is a note security feature of Better Clinics.
SEARCH & FILTER SIDEBAR for READ NOTES: Within the sidebar filter notes by Team Member or Project.
Tip: Record when you complete notes!
BetterHQ allows you to record when you have completed your notes for each of your clients with ease from the calendar page. This may be used to help track what notes you still need to complete or what notes have already been completed! When you have completed the notes, go to the client's appointment in the calendar and launch the appointment pop up screen. Select the toggle to the left of the Clinical Notes button to mark your notes as done.
Use tags to group and sort your clients and notes. Adding a tag to your notes is an easy way to search for a particular note.
To Add a Tag:
Select a Client > Notes > New Note
In the "Tags" text box add your chosen Tag. You can add multiple tags to your note. Separate your tags by clicking the return/enter key on your keyboard.
Save either as a Draft or as Final
Add images to your library and annotate them to use for your clients. Annotations are a useful tool to utilize to enhance your note-taking.
How to use Annotations:
Select a Client > Notes
New Note > Annotations
Select Team Member, Date and Project like any other note format
Select from your image library or add a new image to use for this client.
The image will load into full page view. There is an editor at the top of the screen where you can select the drawing and text tools to mark up the image. Add the markup to your selected image.
Once done, click 'Save'.
The annotation will be saved to the client record. You can edit it at any time.
Attachments & Uploads
It's important for a busy business to have all critical data in one system and PMS. With BetterHQ you can add any attachments to a client record, ensuring a comprehensive record-keeping protocol.
In BetterHQ you can add images, photos and documents securely. Learn more about attachments and uploads >
How to Add Attachments:
Search and select a Client > Notes
New Note > Attachment
You can either Browse for the file by clicking on the 'Click to Upload' button, or you can simply drag the attachment over the drop canvas and the attachment will start to upload securely to your BetterHQ account.
When adding attachments, you also have the option of adding the team member and date. The default is the logged in team member, today's date and a Description.
Once the attachment has been uploaded, a file preview will be available and you can click to download and view the file.
Calendar Notes
If you want or need to add some detail about a particular appointment you can add an Appointment Note directly to the calendar. When you do, this will also be added to the client notes section so you've got a track on it at any time.
How to Add a Calendar Note:
Create a new appointment. If you would like to add a note to a pre-existing appointment, click on the Appointment you would like to add a note to and click the green 'Edit' button.
Add notes in the 'Notes' text section
Click 'Save'
The note will be saved against the appointment and the client.
Team Handover Notes
Team member communications between therapists is critical for a smooth running business. BetterHQ has Team Handover notes where a central noticeboard can be used to communicate handover notes to each team member. This might be on clients, meetings, business operations etc.
How to Add a Team Handover Note:
Go to Day View in the calendar
Each Team Member has their own column.
At the top of each column there is a Note Pad icon in the colour Grey.
Click on the 'Note Pad' Icon
A pop up will display, add your notes.
Click 'Save'.
The note will be added to the Team Member column as selected.
When a note is there it will appear RED.
Click at any stage to Read, Edit or Delete.
Invoice Notes
There are times when you will need to make a note against a particular Client Invoice.
How to add an Invoice Note:
When creating an Invoice > Advanced Options > Add Note
Add the note and save
The Invoice note will be saved and can be viewed on the Invoice.
Export Notes
In BetterHQ you have the ability to Export your client notes as a PDF.
To Export your Client Notes:
Select a Client > Notes > Read Notes
Select the note you would like to export by clicking on the square box on the right hand side of the Project name. To export more than one note a time, select multiple notes by clicking the corresponding square box. To select all client notes, click the square box besides the export button.
Click the export button at the top right hand corner below the Client's name.
A PDF of the notes will then be downloaded for you to use.
Tags: Notes, appointment notes, attachments, uploads
βCustomise your Client Note Templates