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Add Locations

Every account comes with unlimited locations for free! So your business can scale.

Trentenn avatar
Written by Trentenn
Updated over 2 years ago

Every business needs a location in BetterHQ. Enjoy unlimited locations in all of our plans.

In BetterHQ, you can see across your locations in real-time, so you can keep your pulse on Sales & Appointments, assign Team Members & Registers, manage Rosters and much more.

Add a Location:

  1. Or 'Settings' > 'Add Location' from under Locations


  2. Complete the new 'Location Settings' details on the left. 

  3. As you fill out the details, you’ll notice that it will automatically populate the content across to 'Invoice Settings' on the right of the page.

  4. Check to see the details are the same as what you would like to show on your invoice for that location. You can edit any of these details if you like (we just copy them across for you to make it easier).

  5. You can also change the title of your Tax Invoice to Invoice or Receipt if you would like;

  6. You can set an Invoice Theme Colour;

  7. If you would like to include on your invoice. Note: you can customize the Invoice Prefix;

  8. Select which size you would like you invoices to print (either A4 or A5);

  9. Select if you would like to set default Payment Terms for this Location and select the appropriate Payment Terms from the drop down.

  10. Add an 'Invoice Footer' this message will appear at the bottom of all invoices generated for this location e.g. A thank-you message and your account details;

  11. You can add you own content that you would like to be included on the email sent from BetterHQ when you send an Invoice to a customer by editing the content in the 'Email Body Text';

  12. Add your logo to your invoice by clicking the '+ Add Logo' button and then either dragging and dropping your preferred logo or clicking in the box and the browsing through your local system for the logo. Click 'Save' if you are happy with your selection;

This location will now be added to your existing Business.

Edit a Location:

  1. Go to Settings > Locations > Manage or go here

  2. Select your Business

  3. In the Manage Business Locations box, you can activate and deactivate your locations. To deactivate a location click the 'Deactivate' button in line with the business location. A pop-up screen will appear confirming your deactivation, click the green deactivate button. To activate a location, click the 'Activate' button in line with the business location. A pop-up screen will appear confirming your activation, click the green activate button.

  4. Save

Delete a Location:

  1. Go to Settings > Locations > Manage or go here

  2. Select your Business

  3. In the Manage Business Locations box, click on the bin image in line with the location you wish to delete.

  4. A pop up will appear asking if you are sure. Click the green yes button.

  5. Save

Set a Default Location

When adding a new appointment from the 'ALL' locations calendar view option, you can add a Default Location to be used.

  1. Set a default location by clicking the arrow next to the location drop-down menu on the calendar screen.

  2. The reorder calendar locations pop-up will appear.

  3. Select the toggle for the location you would like to set as the default booking location.

  4. Save.

Note: The automatic default location will be the location first added to your Better Clinics account. This can be changed using the steps above from the location reorder page.

Add a Logo to your Invoice:

  1. Select your Business 

  2. On the right-hand side under 'Manage Business Locations' select 'Invoice Setup' for the location invoice you want to edit

  3. Click the Add Logo button. If you have previously added a logo for another location, then this will be displayed here. If you wish to use that image as your logo simply click on it then then click on the Select Image button. It will now appear in your invoice. 

  4. If you have not uploaded an image previously, find your logo from your desktop by hitting the Browse button, once selected click the Upload and Crop button. You do not need to format your logo before uploading as this is done using our cropper tool. You can upload, JPGs and Gifs.

  5. When the cropper tool is launched, drag the corners of the tool to increase and decrease the size of the area you wish to crop. You will see that the viewable area is shown on the right. Clicking and holding in the center of the tool will allow you to drag the tool around to get the best position. 

  6. When you are happy, hit Crop Image.

  7. The image will then be added to the gallery. 

  8. Select the image you uploaded and click the Select Image button.

  9. You're finished and your logo is now added to your invoice. 

  10. You can Preview Invoices, and Save your settings.

With every location, you can create distinct & professional PDF invoices with the details of each location & business on that location's invoices. This means if you have 2 locations, the invoice for each of the 2 locations can be different if you want. Different addresses, logos, contact details, etc. 

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